Teoria Neo-Institucional
pode auxiliar o crescimento
econômico de Você Cidadania

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MAILSON DA NÓBREGA - www.tendencias.com.br - em artigo sob o título Como crescer (publicado no jornal O ESTADO DE S. PAULO, 31.10.2004, p. B-3), retoma a abordagem da Teoria Neo-Institucional, que este Cidadão teve oportunidade de ouvi-lo falar na palestra Perspectivas da Economia Brasileira, em 25 de agosto próximo passado, em um evento do MBA/FIA, lá na FACULDADE DE ECONOMIA E ADMINISTRAÇÃO da UNIVERSIDADE DE SÃO PAULO - www.fia.com.br/portalmba -

A idéia básica da teoria é explicitar o relevante papel das pessoas físicas e/ou jurídicas no desenvolvimento, envolvendo aqueles agentes econômicos e suas crenças ou regras de ação, podendo ser melhor pesquisada a partir do pensamento dos ganhadores do Prêmio Nobel de 1991 (RONALD COASE) e de 1993 (ROBERT FOGEL e DOUGLASS NORTH), cujos resumos estão disponíveis em - www.nobelprize.org - valendo de ilustração para este hipertexto os seguintes parágrafos que noticiam a premiação de um daqueles, in verbis:

"Breakthrough in Understanding the Institutional Structure of the Economy

Until recently, basic economic analysis concentrated on studying the functioning of the economy in the framework of an institutional structure which was taken as given. Efforts to explain the institutional structure were usually considered unnecessary or futile. For instance, the existence of organizations of the type we call firms seemed almost self-evident. Observed variations in contract forms in the economic sphere were also regarded as a given fact, and the laws and rules of the legal system were perceived as an externally imposed setting for economic activity.

By means of a radical extension of economic micro theory, Ronald Coase succeeded in specifying principles for explaining the institutional structure of the economy, thereby also making new contributions to our understanding of the way the economy functions. His achievements have provided legal science, economic history and organization theory with powerful impulses and are therefore also highly significant in an interdisciplinary context. Coase's contributions are the result of methodical research work, where each segment was gradually added to the next over a period of many years. It took a long time for his approach to gain a foothold. When the breakthrough finally occurred during the 1970s and 1980s, it was all the more emphatic. Today Coase's theories are among the most dynamic forces behind research in economic science and jurisprudence.

Coase showed that traditional basic microeconomic theory was incomplete because it only included production and transport costs, whereas it neglected the costs of entering into and executing contracts and managing organizations. Such costs are commonly known as transaction costs and they account for a considerable share of the total use of resources in the economy. Thus, traditional theory had not embodied all of the restrictions which bind the allocations of economic agents. When transaction costs are taken into account, it turns out that the existence of firms, different corporate forms, variations in contract arrangements, the structure of the financial system and even fundamental features of the legal system can be given relatively simple explanations. By incorporating different types of transaction costs, Coase paved the way for a systematic analysis of institutions in the economic system and their significance.

Coase also demonstrated that the power and precision of analysis may be enhanced if it is carried out in terms of rights to use goods and factors of production instead of the goods and factors themselves. These rights, which came to be called "property rights" in economic analysis, may be comprised of full ownership, different kinds of usership rights or specific and limited decision and disposal rights, defined by clauses in contracts or by internal rules in organizations. The definition of property rights and their distribution among individuals by law, contract clauses and other rules determine economic decisions and their outcome. Coase showed that every given distribution of property rights among individuals tends to be reallocated through contracts if it is to the mutual advantage of the parties and not prevented by transaction costs, and that institutional arrangements other than contracts emerge if they imply lower transaction costs. Modifications of legal rules by courts and legislators are also encompassed by these arrangements. Property rights thus constitute a basic component in analyses of the institutional structure of the economy. In perhaps somewhat pretentious terminology, Coase may be said to have identified a new set of "elementary particles" in the economic system. Other researchers, to some extent under the influence of Coase, have also made pioneering contributions to the study of property rights.


Nesse contexto, a construção de um Terceiro Setor forte e atuante é parte daquele desenvolvimento, cabendo a Você Cidadania uma parcela de responsabilidade importante naquela missão que pode ser individual ao começar, e coletiva ao caminhar...

A própria atuação institucional dos programas sociais das FORÇAS ARMADAS, as ações coletivas do MINISTÉRIO PÚBLICO, as denúncias da Mídia envolvendo recursos públicos, e a performance deste Tio Patinhas Cidadão em petições administrativas e/ou ações populares faz parte daquele contexto microeconômico com efeitos macroeconômicos!;-)



Carlo$ Perin Filho

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