"Dear Editor:
Both adequate and realistic was the editorial Legal paradoxes (by Mr.
Cláudio Magnavita Castro, The Brazilian Post, May 9, p. 1) to the vicissitudinous moment
which Brazil is currently going through. It shows how some instruments of our legal system
may become terrible obstacles to the development of our economy and political status, both
nationally and internationally, (....)
In order to supply that dynamic social need for justice we, the legal
practitioners, must rethink the law and direct it in an adequate and realistic way.
Attorneys, judges, paralegals from the courts and firms, authorities
from the legislative, judicial, and executive branches, must all urgently understand that
the law which we inherited from the Roman Empire (Corpus Juris Civilis) via
Portugal (Ordinances), is no longer valid in the globalized world in which we
live. These are good to know as legal history, but not efficient at solving disputes in a
quick and lawful way.
In conclusion we need, whenever possible, to use ADR and lessen
litigation in the courts. We always need more pragmatism and less politic or self-centered
thinking when counseling, representing, or judging.
These are the ways and means to retain confidence in our legal system,
reliance on the powers of the judiciary, and trust in the courts, judges, attorneys, and
paralegal staff.
Dr. Carlos Perin Filho
São Paulo"
(In: THE BRAZILIAN POST - Saturday/Sunday &
Monday, May 17, 18 & 19, 1997 - page 4)